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The Benefits Of Using A Gray Water System With Your Septic Tank

A gray water septic system is an essential part of septic systems, especially in New Jersey. Gray water is the term used for water that does not come in contact with human waste. For instance, the water that goes down your drain in the kitchen sink is gray water, and the water in your toilet is considered black water. The system allows you to re-use your gray water for non-consumption tasks like watering your yard. Here are the top 5 reasons you need a gray water system for your septic tank.

It Makes The Most of Your Water And Reduces Your Bills

With this system, you will be able to collect all of the gray water from your home and use it to irrigate your plants, lawns, and gardens. It will help you save a lot of money on your utility bills since you no longer have to use drinking water for non-drinking purposes.

It’s Good For The Environment

You know the phrase – “reduce, reuse, recycle”, right? Well, a gray water system accomplishes all of those things! You reduce the amount of water you use by reusing and recycling the water from your sinks into your lawn.

It Helps Your Septic System Work Better And Lasts Longer

Not using greywater for irrigation causes the septic tank and drain field to filter more water. That’s why septic tank owners should install a gray water system to utilize their wastewater instead of overusing their septic tank.

Most septic systems in New Jersey already have a gray water system, but some older ones don’t. Contact Affordable Pumping to find out if you have a gray water system. If you don’t, we can discuss how we can help you install one!

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