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The Latest Technology Used To Inspect Septic Tanks

Septic tanks should be routinely inspected to diagnose and address any problems. Such inspections also go a long way in ensuring your septic tank meets compliance regulations. With continued use, septic tanks tend to malfunction. When this happens, a comprehensive diagnosis is required to pinpoint and fix the issues causing the malfunction.

Before a septic tank gets inspected, it’s first pumped to pinpoint possible issues such as loss of material shape and surface coating erosion. Signs of solid waste reaching the soak away because of internal pipework failure, also get inspected. That said, here are some of the latest technologies used in septic tank inspection: 

Video Cameras

There’s no easier way to identify possible problems in your septic tank than using video cameras to inspect it. The capability of high-tech video cameras is leveraged to thoroughly inspect septic tanks and diagnose outstanding or possible issues. Video cameras offer a precise, safe, and quick way to inspect sewage systems and pinpoint issues in real-time. 


In recent years, IoT has proven to be effective in inspecting sewage systems, thanks to its monitoring capabilities and wireless architecture. This communication medium allows inspectors to collect real-time data from sewage systems, before transferring it to computers for analysis. The data collected ranges from the pressure of sewage flow to the amount of waste flowing through the system. 

Alarm Systems

When inspecting a septic tank, real-time alerts should be sent to the inspection team for them to have a clear picture of the tank’s condition. Alarm systems provide immediate alerts when a malfunction is detected and are ideal for inspecting large and complex septic tanks. This ensures flexibility and accuracy. 

Inspecting a septic tank is an ongoing maintenance practice that requires high-tech equipment. At Affordable Pumping Services, we leverage the latest technologies to inspect septic tanks in Bayville, NJ, and the neighboring communities. Contact us to learn more about our services.

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