It is no secret that septic tank repairs can be a major hassle. Serious septic tank problems take time – and not to mention often significant funds – to repair and rectify. That is why it is good to avoid problems with your septic tank in the first place. Believe it or not, the majority of septic tank difficulties are actually avoidable with some common sense care and routine maintenance. What can you do to avoid getting caught up in the saga of septic tank woes? Be sure to keep the following points in mind.
1. Get your septic tank inspected annually.
You can detect problems with your septic tank at an early stage simply by getting your tank inspected routinely. For the majority of septic tanks, a routine inspection is recommended every year. However, for some makes and models, inspections may be recommended more or less frequently. Figure out how often your septic tank should be inspected, and make sure you stick to a rigorous inspection schedule so you can catch and rectify any issues sooner rather than later.
2. Make sure you get your septic tank pumped regularly.
One of the absolute keys to avoiding serious septic tank damage is making sure you get the tank pumped. Septic tank pumping is an absolutely critical part of septic tank maintenance. You will need to do some research to figure out how frequently your septic tank needs to be pumped, as this depends on how big the tank is, the number of people in your household, and whether or not you use a garbage disposal unit. Generally, septic tanks need to be pumped somewhere between every five to 10 years.
3. Hire a professional for repairs.
Your septic tank isn’t the best place to experiment with DIY repairs. Septic tanks are quite complex. Therefore, it is best to get a professional in for repairs, even minor ones.
4. Don’t throw harmful substances into your septic tank.
Be careful about what you put into your septic tank. Substances like grease, oils, paper towels, paints, chemicals, and other harsh substances can do quite a bit of damage to your tank, so it is best to keep them out of it.
5. Cover your septic tank with grass.
Last but not least, one of the easy things you can to do protect your septic tank and avoid problems is to cover it with grass. Planting the ground above the tank with grass helps to aid oxygen flow into the surrounding soil, which can aid with sewage breakdown and keep things operating smoothly. Conversely, covering the area above the tank with concrete or other dense substances can constrict oxygen flow, impeding optimum operation.
The bottom line is that septic tank repairs can be costly and time consuming. Therefore, it is best to take easy action now to ensure your septic tank stays in great shape in the long run.