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Tips For Sewer Line/Drain Line Owners

Drain cleaning from commercial kitchen

Depending on your town, the maintenance of a sewer line/drain line may fall under the responsibility of the property owner. Here are a few pieces of advice for anyone that is responsible for the upkeep and cleaning of these lines.

Have The Lines Inspected Regularly By an Expert

This is especially true if you live in an older neighborhood with pipes prone to clogging or rusting. Even if your home has newer lines, blockages can build over time due to faulty installation or use (such as washing large items down the kitchen sink). Have a professional inspect them regularly to ensure the lines are working correctly. This will also give you an opportunity to address an issue before it becomes a much more expensive repair.

Have The Lines Cleaned Regularly By an Expert

Cleaning the lines regularly is an essential part of maintaining them. Like any other pipe system, build-ups can occur. Cleaning them regularly can help to avoid backups, clogs, and breaks. It can also improve the performance of plumbing fixtures.

Prepare For The Cleaning in Advance

Before calling a professional company to clean your sewer/drain lines, it would help to make the process go smoother if you did the following:

  • Make sure all plumbing fixtures are turned off.
  • Make sure all pets and children are out of the house during the cleaning process.
  • Keep areas clear that may need to be accessed during the cleaning.

Don’t worry if you just found out you’re responsible for taking care of your sewer line/drain line! Contact the experienced team at Affordable Pumping Services to help you with the maintenance and cleaning. They’ll be able to inspect your property and recommend a helpful maintenance schedule. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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